Roman By Dumbrava din Roman


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Detalii cazare

Dispunand de 70 de camere complet modernizate, amenajate intr-un stil chic inspirat de conceptul boutique hotel, Roman Plaza este locul ideal pentru sederile de placere sau de afaceri in orasul Roman si in zona Moldovei. Cele doua saloane de conferinte, Blue Room si Olive Room, pot gazdui evenimente personale sau corporate de la 50 la 250 de persoane. Dispunand de o infrastructura de agrement deosebita in cadrul centrului Roman Plaza Spa si oferind servicii complementare de inalta calitate in Roman Plaza Restaurant si Roman Plaza Cafe, ii surprindem in mod placut chiar si pe cei mai exigenti oameni de afaceri sau turisti interesati de zona Neamtului, Moldovei si Bucovinei. Prin locatia complexului la poarta sudica a Moldovei, suntem alegerea fireasca pentru cei aflati in tranzit dinspre Bucuresti sau Delta Dunarii in directia Moldovei si Bucovinei. With 70 fully-furnished rooms designed in a chic style inspired by the "boutique hotel" concept, Roman Plaza is the ideal place for business or pleasure stays in Roman city and the Moldavian area. The two conference rooms, Blue Room and Olive Room, can host weddings or corporate events for between 50 and 250 people. With an exquisite recreation infrastructure within Roman Plaza Spa and offering complementary services of the highest quality at Roman Plaza Restaurant si Roman Plaza Cafe we pleasantly surprise event the most exigent of businessmen and tourists interested in the Neamt Area, Moldavia and Bucovina. Through our location at the Southern gate of Moldavia we are the natural choice for those transiting from Bucharest or the Danube Delta toward Moldavia and Bucovina. Nume cazare de la furnizor: Roman By Dumbrava Business Resort 4****

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