Marshal Garden Hotel din Bucuresti

TripAdvisor, nota 4.5

Calea Dorobanti No 50B, S1, Bucharest

Destinatie si vreme

Completeaza data de plecare, numarul de persoane si varstele pentru a verifica preturile si disponibilitatea la hotelul Marshal Garden Hotel.

Detalii cazare

This Hotel is located in the very center of Bucharest. Even if it is located very close to the most frantic and animated places in Bucharest, it enjoys a lot of silence. The rooms, made entirely by an innovative concept, are decorated with exclusive furniture and glass walls, offering a pleasant and modern ambient. It suggests the idea of a comfortable space, with a special dynamic, underlined by the vibrant colors and by the unconventional design. The hotel restaurant is enhanced by the pleasure produced by the exquisite dishes and by the impeccable services. It has a special atmosphere, created by the bold combination of lights and colors. It is the perfect sanctuary to relax and taste the delicious dishes, prepared by the talented chefs.

Nume cazare de la furnizor: Marshal Garden Hotel 5*****

Este responsabilitatea unitatii de cazare / a lantului hotelier sau a furnizorului ofertelor de a asigura acuratetea pozelor afisate. nu este responsabil pentru lipsa de acuratete a acestora.

Care sunt cele mai apropiate aeroporturi de Bucuresti?

1. Baneasa Aurel Vlaicu (Bucuresti, Romania)

5 km

2. Henri Coanda (Bucuresti, Romania)

13 km

3. Polkovnik Lambrinovo (Silistra, Bulgaria)

96 km

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