La Meta Alghero Rugby din Alghero

Alghero, Sardinia si Arhipelagul Maddalena, Italia

Destinatie si vreme

Completeaza data de plecare, numarul de persoane si varstele pentru a verifica preturile si disponibilitatea la hotelul La Meta Alghero Rugby.

Detalii cazare

The holiday home for the Meta Alghero Rugby was first used as a meeting place for the local amature rugby club,it is near the splendid beach called Maria Pia which is well known for its crystal clear water, the clean sand dunes and the cool pine woods. The building has recently been modernised making it more comfortable and welcoming. The rooms provide every convenience and service equivalent to that of a B&B in both quality and cost.

The holiday home for the Meta Alghero Rugby was first used as a meeting place for the local amature rugby club,it is near the splendid beach called Maria Pia which is well known for its crystal clear water, the clean sand dunes and the cool pine woods. The building has recently been modernised making it more comfortable and welcoming. The rooms provide every convenience and service equivalent to that of a B&B in both quality and cost.
Nume cazare de la furnizor: La Meta Alghero Rugby

Este responsabilitatea unitatii de cazare / a lantului hotelier sau a furnizorului ofertelor de a asigura acuratetea pozelor afisate. nu este responsabil pentru lipsa de acuratete a acestora.

Care sunt cele mai apropiate aeroporturi de Alghero?

1. Fertilia (Alghero, Italia)

8 km

2. Costa Smeralda (Olbia, Italia)

107 km

3. Sud Corse (Figari, Franta)

122 km

4. Propriano (Propriano, Franta)

130 km

5. Arbatax (Tortoli, Italia)

135 km

6. Napoleon Bonaparte (Ajaccio, Franta)

155 km

7. Elmas (Cagliari, Italia)

157 km

8. Sainte Catherine (Calvi, Franta)

220 km

9. Poretta (Bastia, Franta)

239 km

10. Marina Di Campo (Elba Island, Italia)

289 km

Care sunt conditiile de intrare in Italia?

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